Wild Coaching: Coaching With & Within Nature
A Two Day Coaching Skills Certificate
It all started with a realisation that I was more resilient, more authentic and more creative while outside.
Ever since I started coaching I have been experimenting with coaching outdoors. Traditionally coaching, training and meetings have taken place in glass meeting rooms or over video conferencing. Our environment shapes our thinking, our mood, how stimulated and engaged we are.
I notice that when I walk in nature, my mood improves. I think clearer. I connect more deeply with my values and my dreams. Stress levels go down, inspiration goes up. The same is true for my clients.
So I've been coaching outdoors for a number of years now and helping people connect more deeply with themselves and their environment.
Here I am on sharing more on the Association for Coaching’s Coaching Outdoors series:
How to go wild with your coaching
I’ve conducted hundreds of coaching and supervision sessions outdoors. Either in person walking or sitting, or via a telephone call with headphones. My aim here is to distill my wisdom, experience and learnings to help you take it outside, confidently and effectively.
More than just a walking coaching course, this two day certificate programme will help you work with your surroundings and bring the physical environment more easily and helpfully into your coaching.
I just wanted to say thank you for the wonderful journey on Friday morning. The combination of being in nature and you holding the space, challenging and supporting so magnificently was really powerful.
It felt just what I needed and I have been feeling much clearer and much more connected to my true nature since.
You'll see demonstrations and learn techniques you can use with your clients, and you’ll be practising the skills – outdoors – and getting feedback on them.
The first aim is that you leave the course with the confidence and the passion to have more coaching sessions outside.
The broader aim is that you and your clients will have a greater appreciation of the wild, the natural and the environmental in your coaching. You will leave the course confident to welcome the environment into your coaching conversations - and help it guide, inspire and resource your clients.
Who is this for?
The course is designed for qualified coaches, both internal and external, who are looking to expand their skillset away from video or office based coaching conversations. Who are seeking to spend more time coaching outside, while walking, in natural spaces.
And for coaches who sense there is room for a greater appreciation of the natural, the environmental, the spiritual in their coaching conversations.
The Structure
Running 10am-4pm (UK) over two consecutive days, this course is perfect for coaches and leaders who want effectively coach outdoors. It will help you bring an eco-systemic lens to your coaching, allowing you to effectively bring the environment and surroundings into your coaching conversations.
The course will include blended learning involving theory, facilitated discussion and small group skills practice and coaching, with feedback.
The course will take place over Zoom, and will include practice coaching sessions on Day 2 where you will have the chance to coach and be coached outdoors via a telephone call. As such you’ll need some headphones and some decent phone signal, as well as a green space where you can safely walk and talk for your coaching conversations.
Price: £325 total
Includes: Two day course, course handbook, a recording of a walking session of George coaching outdoors, certificate on completion of the course.
The course will provide 12 hours of CPD eligible both for Association for Coaching (AC) and EMCC accreditation or re-accreditaiton.
Your Wild Coaching Faculty.
I’m George. An experienced Coach and Supervisor, who has trained many hundreds of executive coaches all around the world.
I hold accreditations with at PCC (ICF) and Master Executive Coach (APECS) and a big part of my work is helping leaders and coaches operate with greater conscience, confidence and competence.
I have coached and supervised clients in forests and woodlands, across hills and lakes. We have got safely lost together in London’s parks and have coached on phone calls with headphones while out walking locally to us.
As a coach, a supervisor and a trainer, my natural style is to lead with compassion, care and challenge to help you work with deeper presence, greater clarity and a better psychological understanding.