
Ensure you are operating safely and effectively.

Explore your challenges, ambitions, dilemmas with an experienced, supportive supervisor.

Enjoy the space to think through your coaching work and your coaching journey.

Learn new theories, approaches, techniques and ways of working effectively as a coach with others

Always thoughtful, considerate, careful, insightful and supportive. Always asking amazing questions that make you think! The supervision was a way to keep me grounded to good coaching principles.

Expand, Deepen and Accelerate your Coaching

If there is just one thing that was the rocket fuel or secret sauce in my own coaching development, it is supervision.

Supervision is a place where I have been able to think through such deep, complex challenges and queries. To explore my own insecurities, assumptions and self-limitations as a coach.

To ensure my coaching is both safe and effective.

And to be able to learn new ways of being, new techniques, new theories from someone more experienced.

I believe that the world doesn’t just need more coaches. But that the world needs more coaching who work with presence, with flexibility and with a deep confidence that comes from doing the work on ourselves first.

My supervision is designed as a helpful step towards it.

What exactly is Supervision?

Coaching can be lonely work. It can invite us to self-criticise, to think we’re not enough. I have always viewed supervision as a sanctuary. A place to come inside from the stormy weather outside. To come inside, take off the wet jacket and sit by the fire, and talk.

Most importantly, it is a place and practice to ensure that you and your clients are OK. Are operating in a safe manner. To discuss ethical dilemmas, to explore and articulate boundaries, to reflect and learn.

For me, good supervision is a place to unfold and unfurl. To become more of ourselves as coaches. To put aside the ‘shoulds’ and ‘musts’ and explore operating with greater authenticity, greater confidence, greater flow.

George helped me find my way and remove self-imposed limitations. I was amazed at the insights I gained about myself. George’s calm manner is soothing and helped me feel safe. I hope to continue to work with George to help me move forward in my business.


Working 1:1 gives you more time to explore and unpack your topics. In my experience the more space and intimacy of 1:1 works allows deeper reflections, also often bringing a little more space and depth to the work.

Informed by my relational approach, I prefer to work across a year with supervises. Offering regular and consistent sessions at the time of day and day of the week that will best support your learning and development.

A typical session will involve:

-       Contracting

-       Exploring your topics

-       A combination of coaching, support, challenge and mentoring / advice - perhaps a creative technique

-       Reflections

It is a place to share, unpack, resolve and think through. But also a place to grow, develop, learn and expand.

I reconsidered my coaching journey, where I want to be, and how I want to coach. I found George’s style both supportive and challenging. I had plenty of space for reflection and self-learning.

The Application Process

-       Express your interest here with this form

-       Arrange a conversation with George to check feel and fit

-       Confirm dates and prepare for your first session

Uplifting, encouraging and you just bring the best out of me.


Group supervision offers a dynamic and communal environment of learning and support. An opportunity explore and unpack your topic, hearing different viewpoints and take.

The groups I facilitate are characterised by a sense of deep care, of clear, kind feedback. We operate from the sweet spot of challenge and support. Of care and candour.

Informed by my relational approach, I work across a year with supervision groups.

A typical session will involve:

-       Connection & Contracting

-       Hearing the topics from the group and agreeing an order

-       Attending to each topic through coaching, support, challenge and mentoring or a creative technique

-       Reflections

It is a place to share, unpack, resolve and think through. But also a place to grow, develop, learn and expand.

We have our own group

1 year

Meeting every 2-3 months

Sessions lasting 2-4 hours

Dates and timings to be agreed together

Virtual, via Zoom

£250 / hour total - divided equally between the group members

I’d like to join one of your groups

1 year

12 Hours 1:1 Supervision

Meeting every 2 months, for 2-3 hours

Dates and timings agreed between us

Up to 6 members

Virtual, via Zoom

From £1,100

Arrange a Conversation

You and I will probably be a good fit if you….

-       Hold questions and doubts about a more surface level, or transactional focus on goals and performance in coaching.

-       You want something deeper, perhaps more meaningful or profound in how you coach.

-       Seek a better understanding of some more psychological theories and approaches in your coaching approach

-       Want to further align and synthesise your personal and professional values within your coaching. Perhaps your love or nature and outdoors. Your spirituality or faith. Your identity.

-       You are interested in explored interconnectedness and systemic theory within your coaching.

-       There is room for more creativity, more confidence in not knowing, more experimental techniques.

-       You seek to coach at greater depth, profundity and with greater presence than you currently are.

I’ve learnt that there is always more to learn and this is a never-ending journey - also that it’s really fun to work with other coaches and experience different styles and approaches. My ability to listen deeply has continued to evolve and this is something I want to continue to enhance.

The Application Process

-       Express your interest here with this form

-       Arrange a conversation with George to check feel and fit

-       Confirm dates and times that the entire group can make

-       Arrange payment and prepare for your first session

My natural inclination can be much more directive, and simply being part of the supervision sessions made me more aware again of different styles.


Is supervision mandatory for coaches?

Technically, supervision is not needed for coaches. But most accrediting bodies expect that a coach attends regular supervision. And increasingly buyers of coaching are expected that coaches are in regular supervision.

Most experienced coaches will attest that supervision is essential for sustained safe and effective practice.

Can you help me with accreditation?

I will help where I can. Whether discussing your options, or helping you with your application. Or indeed sharing my experiences of the different bodies and their processes. I will be able to provide a report of our supervision and attestation should you need it.

Does Supervision count towards ICF Mentor Coaching?

Mentor coaching specifically involved reviewing your coaching – live or recorded – and receiving feedback on it. While supervision might include some live coaching, it isn’t mentor coaching. If you are ICF accredited, up to 10 hours of supervision can count towards your CCEU’s in your credential renewal.

What if I can’t make a session?

If you’re unable to make one of the session, we will have agreed the process of what happens with the group.   

Register Your Interest Here

What is your experience with supervision?

I’ve taught, assessed and supervised many hundreds of coaching in their executive coaching training. I’ve been a supervisor for dozens of qualified coaches, operating both internally and externally, around the world.

I have always invested heavily in supervision and my broader development and wellbeing as a coach. I currently work with two individual supervisors, a group supervisor and an ICF mentor coach.

How do I best prepare for my supervision sessions?

Simply give some thought to the topics, questions, challenges you are experiencing. Both in the sessions with your client, but perhaps also more holistically. Whatever is on your mind is welcome. I will always meet you where you are.

I’m neurodiverse and have some specific requirements or requests for how I learn. Can you accommodate?

I’ll do my very best to support you to create the most helpful learning environment for you. Through a call or an email, or our contracting, please let me know what can be done to best accommodate how you like to process, learn and practice your coaching.

Is VAT charged or Included?

At the time of writing VAT is not charged.

My question isn’t on the list. How can I get in contact?

Drop me a message at

Register Your Interest Here