Community of Practice

Coach More Effectively

Is it Supervision?

Is it Mentor Coaching?

Is it Live Coaching with Discussion?

It takes qualities from all three. A Community of Practice.

For coaches who want to continue learning, developing and growing with live coaching, live discussion.


Learn new theories, approaches, techniques and ways of working effectively as a coach.

Digest and discuss live coaching and help embed new coaching approaches and techniques.  

Expand, Deepen and Accelerate your Coaching

You’ve taken your coaching training. You’re qualified. But missing the opportunity to practice coaching and learn with others. Worried that your sharpness, your presence or your confidence might be plateauing or stagnating.

You want some fresh perspectives, some new tools and techniques. But you’re not feeling fully confident to try these out on ‘real’ clients yet.

You’d value the space to come and observe some different coaching, to discuss it. To learn from others. To bridge the gap between the theoretical and the practical. 

What exactly is a Community of Practice? 

Communitycoming together, connecting, shared learning and experience

Practiceturning theory into action, experimenting, learning and upskilling

Coaching can be lonely work. It can invite us to self-criticise, to think we’re not enough. That we are rubbish coaches. 

Here is a place to come together every few months. To reconnect with each other, but reconnect with our learning, our development. To keep stretching ourselves, so that we remain sharp and effective for our clients. 

Too many coaches lose momentum, lose confidence and either give up or fall into comfortable, well-worn patterns in their coaching. This is space for you to stay sharp. Stay curious. And to come to your learning edge. 

Group members will be able to bring approaches and theories they want to learn more about and to have them explored, discussed and demonstrated. 

It might be that you want to work more deeply with Gestalt. Or bring a more systemic enquiry to your coaching. You may want to lead with more challenge. Or sit back into greater silence and presence. And you may well want to work more somatically. This will be a safe, supportive environment to deepen your understanding. 

Register Interest & Apply

George introduced various tools, techniques, and teachings in a manner that kept our sessions dynamic and engaging. As a fan of Gestalt, I particularly appreciated how seamlessly he integrated his techniques, providing profound and meaningful experiences.

The Community of Practice Program

Meeting regularly over a year, there will be 6 group sessions, at times and dates agreed by the group. These will involve live coaching practice, with feedback. With space for questions and discussion.

It will be a safe, but energising and playful place to experiment with your coaching. To bridge the gap between theory and knowledge. To unfold and expand as a coach and lean into deeper presence.

In combination, you’ll enjoy 3 x 1:1 sessions with George. These are just for you, and can be your choice of coaching, ICF mentor coaching, supervision or mentoring. 

Community of Practice: Winter 2024, Open Program

For all: including external coaches, portfolio and solopreneur coaches

Group Sessions:

6 x 2 Hour Live Sessions, Virtual via Zoom

November, January, March, May, July, September

Specific dates and times to be agreed with the group

Individual Sessions:

3 x 1 Hour Sessions, Virtual via Zoom

Your choice of Coaching, ICF Mentor Coaching, Supervision or Mentoring

Scheduled within the year at the times that will work best for you


£1,195 Total

£1,095 for Edge of Coaching Supervision / Mentor Coaching Alumni 

The course will provide 15 hours of CPD eligible both for Association for Coaching (AC) and EMCC accreditation or re-accreditaiton.

If you choose to work with ICF competencies, it will provide you with up to 15 hours of Mentor Coaching.

George's ability to delve deep while maintaining a safe and compassionate environment made me feel genuinely cared for. I wholeheartedly recommend George for coaching, supervision, or mentoring to anyone seeking a transformative experience.”

Register Your Interest Here

Community of Practice: Winter 2024, Internal Coaches

For internal coaches and those working towards internal coaching cultures

A chance to journey with fellow internal coaches, expanding and developing your confidence and competence as an internal coach.

It aims to attend to the many, unique, challenges an internal coach faces, and offer community and guidance to what can be challenging and, at times, lonely work. 

Working together across a year, you’ll develop strong relationships and a deeper, richer understanding of your identity and signature strengths as a coach.

Group Sessions:

6 x 2 Hour Live Sessions, Virtual via Zoom

November, January, March, May, July, September

Specific dates and times to be agreed with the group

+ Masterclass: Ethical Dilemmas

Individual Sessions:

3 x 1 Hour Sessions, Virtual via Zoom

Your choice of Coaching, ICF Mentor Coaching, Supervision or Mentoring

Scheduled within the year at the times that will work best for you


£1,295 Total

£1,195 for Edge of Coaching Supervision / Mentor Coaching Alumni 

The course will provide 15 hours of CPD eligible both for Association for Coaching (AC) and EMCC accreditation or re-accreditaiton. If you choose to work with ICF competencies, it will provide you with up to 15 hours of Mentor Coaching.

Register Your Interest Here

You and I will probably be a good fit if you….

  • Hold questions and doubts about a more surface level, or transactional focus on goals and performance in coaching.

  • You want something deeper, perhaps more meaningful or profound in how you coach.

  • Seek a better understanding of some more psychological theories and approaches in your coaching approach

  • Want to further align and synthesise your personal and professional values within your coaching. Perhaps your love or nature and outdoors. Your spirituality or faith. Your identity. 

  • You are interested in explored interconnectedness and systemic theory within your coaching.

  • There is room for more creativity, more confidence in not knowing, more experimental techniques.

  • You seek to coach at greater depth, profundity and with greater presence than you currently are.

The Application Process

  • Arrange a conversation with George to check feel and fit

  • We meet as a group to agree the dates and times of the 6 group sessions

  • Arrange payment and schedule your first 1:1 with George

I thoroughly enjoyed being part of George's mentoring programme. In the group sessions, it was very useful to observe other participants' coaching styles and to witness George's own deep, lucid and effective coaching. 

Both in the group and individual sessions, I found our discussions around various aspects of coaching thought provoking and I was able to find more clarity around some key questions I had. 

Register Your Interest Here

Your Community of Practice Faculty.

I’m George. An experienced Coach and Supervisor, who has trained many hundreds of executive coaches all around the world. These include both independent coaches and internal coaches across the corporate, public and charity sectors.

I hold accreditations with at PCC (ICF) and Master Executive Coach (APECS) and a big part of my work is helping leaders and coaches operate with greater conscience, confidence and competence.

As a coach, a supervisor and a trainer, my natural style is to lead with compassion, care and challenge to help you work with deeper presence, greater clarity and a better psychological understanding.

Register Interest & Apply